søndag den 3. januar 2010

Re:Luke and Noah. - where men are men

Actually, he didn't. Your preacher told you that he did and since you apparently don't think for yourself, you continue to spout of that GOD says, when he really didn't. Some people, speaking as though they had talked to God, said it and it sort of snowballed from there.
How is that statement true. A man and a woman are in love and they walkdown the street holding hands. A man and a man are in love and they walk down the street holding hands. A woman and a woman are in love and they walk down the street holding hands. No difference there that I can see.A man and a woman are sitting on a park bench and the man leans over and kisses the woman because he loves her. A man and a man are sitting on a park bench and the man leans over and kisses the man because he love him. A woman and a woman are sitting on a park bench and the woman leans over and kisses the woman because she love her. No difference there that I can see.All the couples have engaged in PDA's and have done so because they love the person to whom they were displaying the affection. How is one type of PDA any different than any of the other PDA's. I think what the problem is has nothing to do with the difference in the PDA's but is a problem in YOUR mind. Perhaps it is YOUR perception that is askew. Perhaps it is your mind that screams NASTY and sees SEX rather than being able to see LOVE. Why is that such a problem for those who claim to be christians?
Well, if you consider homosexuality to be wrong, then I suppose that you should not engage in homosexual relations. You need to stop hugging any females since you would not want others to think that you are homosexual. You need to stop kissing anyone that is of the same gender as you so that no one will consider you to be a homosexual. Only be seen in the company of males so that others will not consider you to be a homosexual. Stay away from bridge parties and clubs because someone may think that you are a homosexual. If I were you, I would watch that Junior League too because some of those ladies seem to be a bit on the dykie side. You can never be too careful, you know.
Please tell me you are going to use something else other than that tired old crap from Leviticus.I mean, that crap has been "cherry-picked" to death. You can not have it both ways, either it all applies or none of it applies. Now the rest of this "sin" stuff falls a bit flat when one considers that since you seem to believe that this God character said so and so but when one takes a look at his Big Ten writings there is definitely a dirth of information of being gay as being sinful. In fact it is not even mentioned while straight people screwing each others wives is a big no-no and it goes on every day of the world. One would also think that if being gay is such a big problem in the sin department, that Jesus Christ would have at least said something about boys kissing boys, or playing with their thingys, or sticking things in body orifices, women bumping uglys, or something of that nature. Instead, he just said to love one another. Where is this great sin pronouncement? Come on, ya'll just made that crap up, on the spur of the moment, didn't you. You rascals.
Please tell me you have studied more biology than to make a statement like that. I mean, really, you can sit at the greatest learning tool in the world and type something so ignorant. Do you not get the Discovery Channel or the Learning Channel? It is not possible that you know so little about various species in this day and age. Species ranging from microbes to man reproduce in multiple methods. There are all types of reproduction in this world and in the animal and plant kingdoms. There are multiple examples of homosexuality in the plant and animal kingdoms. It is not unnatural, it is as natural as nature.

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